Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Master Cleanse Day 1:

It is recommended that you spend a few days easing into this cleanse. For example, eating only fruits and vegetables for one day, liquids like blended soups on the next day, subsisting on orange juice for a day and then beginning the fast. However, since I maintain a largely healthy diet and am not going for anything too extreme weight-loss wise, I jumped right into it once I had secured all the ingredients.

My last meal was a bowl of oatmeal.

The evening before I began the fast/detox, I took a cup of the laxative tea as my dinner and went to bed.

The Salt Water Flush:

In the morning, I woke up an extra hour early in order to do the SWF. I have to say, I completely underestimated the difficulty of drinking one liter of really salty water on an empty stomach! This was seriously and without exaggerating on of the hardest things I have ever physically done and imposed on myself! It was awful and I spent much of the day dreading having to do it again the next morning. The water is astonishingly awful to drink, and your stomach immediately begins to reject it. I was nauseous, and the amount is also really huge on a stomach that is shrunken from not eating.

I managed to drink about 800ml and kept it down, although I was too uncomfortable to really fall back asleep! I kept a bucket by my bed just in case and waited for the purge...

The Purge:

The purge is actually not as bad as I had imagined, and in many ways it feels very cleansing and liberating. The salt water went through me pretty fast, so in about 1/2 an hour I was confined to the toilet... eliminating. It took longer than I thought to end so I plan to do the next SWF even earlier!

The Lemonade:

The lemonade is absolutely delicious and I can't believe how filling it is! Since I am not trying to lose weight, I was definitely planning on allowing myself more than 6 cups each day. I bought ingredients for around 8 cups/day. However, I really did not feel like I needed the extra cups at all!

My Progress:

I was able to go to yoga in the morning as usual, having had a cup of lemonade before my class. However, I am used to doing my yoga on an empty stomach, so I think I was already used to that part! I felt pretty hungry after yoga, but I always do and as soon as I got home I had my second cup of lemonade. As the day wore on I felt very tired, though I wasn't really hungry, just sleepy. This probably also had something to do with just getting my body back on a non-vacation schedule! In the evening I had a bit of a headache, but this is a common side-effect of the detox and I was able to just sleep it off after having my laxative tea.

My sleep was pretty light and I also felt pretty cold throughout the day. It was a cold day and the heat in our office broke. Other colleagues were cold too. But I can't help feeling that the fast made it easier for me to feel cold. I drank a lot of mint tea and warm water throughout the day and it helped me stay warm. Overall though, I felt fine and wasn't hungry until my husband described on the phone all the delicious things he would be eating! Ha! 

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