Thursday, February 21, 2013

Master Cleanse Day 2:

I was really dreading the salt water flush this morning. I woke up 2 hours early this time, but I went into it really feeling like I wouldn't be able to keep it down. I reduced the amount of water a bit to 800ml to see if it would make things easier but it really didn't!

I finished the water but threw a lot of it up a few minutes later. After that though, the flush worked just as it had the day before. The only difference is it took a bit less time for the elimination to end.

I went to yoga after a cup of lemonade and things went well; I imagined I would feel weak by now but I really don't! I wore extra layers for the cold and really felt fine all day. Another glass after yoga, one for lunch and 3 spaced out in the afternoon and evening. Hunger is not an issue but boredom is... no chewing, no textures, no different flavors... just the same stuff I drink day in day out. The lemonade already seems less delicious and I am starting to wonder what it's like to be on this diet for such a long amount of time. But in terms of hunger it really isn't a problem. I felt energetic all day and taught a 2hr class with no problem, standing up for the whole time.

In the evening a slight headache came on again. My muscles are a bit sore from yoga and I am not sure if it's because I was without practicing for more than 10 days or whether it has something to do with my body being a bit undernourished. It's probably a bit of both!

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